Every Time You Skip A Meal, this is What Happens to Your Body

Skipping Meals to Lose Weight is NOT a Good Idea

In desperate efforts to lose weight, numerous individuals opt to skip meals skipping, as well as fad dieting. 

Unfortunately, skipping meals to lose weight causes havoc on your body. Blood sugar levels may plummet, creating a situation where you feel tired, as well as lethargic. 

Similarly, this also drops your metabolism as well, compromising any ability to burn calories. Restricting food intake may additionally hinder concentration and create mood issues. When you finally feel like they should eat again, you may remain far more likely to splurge on fatty, sugar-filled, high-calorie foods.

Our team from Kitsune Medical Weight Loss wants to share some information on what happens when you skip meals to lose weight, and we will provide some better options.

Feel Sluggish? Tired?

The primary fuel for our brain is glucose. We intake glucose from eating foods, particularly those that remain high in carbohydrates.

Eating complex carbs like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains serve as the most nutritional sources of glucose. These take a longer time to digest than refined carbs and additionally offer several other beneficial vitamins and nutrients. 

Without proper and frequent carb supplies, blood sugar will dip too low. Low blood sugar triggers feelings of sluggishness, irritation, and problems with concentration.

Greater Physiological Risks

The inability to concentrate on seemingly simple tasks like email and text correspondence certainly seems like a big deal. Nonetheless, when skipping meals to lose weight, a more significant concern is what begins to occur on a physiological level.


Hormones in the body that may indicate hunger like ghrelin, or even suppress appetite like leptin will change. Unfortunately, without satiating this hunger, you can start to feel shaky or sweaty as a response to these physiological issues.


Binging to Compensate

When we feel very hungry, it remains in human nature to reach for carbs and sweets. This carb craving is a natural response to a desire to raise blood sugar. 

Unfortunately, carb-loading without nutrient supplementation temper rises in glucose, causing blood sugar to spike and dip. Furthermore, this doesn’t keep us satisfied for as long, only temporarily solving the problem.

Waiting until you feel ravenously hungry may also stimulate urges to eat past the point of feeling full. This urge is due to compensation for lacking calories that can result in nausea, constipation, exhaustion, and various digestive issues.

Fatigue and Other Long-Lasting Effects of Skipping Meals to Lose Weight

When we don’t eat frequently enough, our bodies may not intake enough protein. Protein is crucial in muscle growth, bone health, and immune system maintenance. 


Over time, protein deficiencies will cause energy levels to fall, making exercise and muscle maintenance very difficult. Skipping meals to lose weight not only affects the vitamins and nutrients we ingest, but additionally any ability to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Information on the Detriments of Skipping Meals to Lose Weight from Kitsune Medical Weight Loss

Skipping Meals to Lose WeightDetermining how we should eat takes some experimentation because proper nutrition depends on a variety of unique, individual factors. Nonetheless, it is important and worth the time and effort to figure out what works optimally for you.


Seeking out a professional and expert nutritional team like ours from Kitsune Medical Weight Loss can help you get in tune with your body’s hunger and appetite cues. To learn more, contact us today to make an appointment!

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