Healthy Eating Plan

Here Are a Few Tips on Breaking Away from Bad Eating Habits!

Healthy Eating Plan

In theory, diets should be easy. Who doesn’t want to eat healthier and lose weight in the process? However, the execution of diets is where we usually fall flat. It is easy to revert to old eating habits and stop making progress. Dieting by yourself is difficult, which is why at Kitsune Medical Weight Loss we will have a team of expert physicians and nutritionists behind you for support. We will create a Healthy Eating Plan that fits your needs and also help you follow through with it. If you ever feel unmotivated, remember that we are still here cheering you on. So, how can you break away from old eating habits?

  1. Have a Healthy Eating Plan created by expert nutritionists
  2. Have weekly progress visits

Diet Plans by Doctors

Creating a diet by yourself can also create some difficulties. There are many foods that appear to be healthy when they actually are not. For an effective diet plan, there are also several factors you want to take into account like your metabolism and cholesterol level.  At Kitsune Medical Weight Loss, we will take all of your measurements for our nutritionists to create a Healthy Eating Plan that will be effective for you. You will be able to lose weight and become healthier without having to sacrifice by eating foods that you do not find appealing.

While you are on your Healthy Eating Plan, you will come in every week for a progress visit where we will weigh you, take your blood pressure and measure your body fat to see how well you are coming along. This visit will also serve as motivation and encouragement because you will see just how close you are to reaching the results that you want. Our weekly progress visits will also be able to hold you accountable for following through with your new diet.

Healthy but Delicious Foods

At Kitsune Medical Weight Loss, provided at Fox Medical Centers, we want to help you on your journey to lose weight. We want to create a way for you to safely see the results that you have been wanting.

If you want a Healthy Eating Plan specifically created for you, call us today at (305) 275-8988 or click here to make an appointment!