No Secrets Here: The Truth About Juicing for Weight Loss

The Kitsune Team Loves Juicing for Weight Loss

It’s no great secret that kale is good for us. Similarly, utilizing juicing as a quick and easy way to ingest healthy fruits and vegetables isn’t anything new and original either. Nevertheless, juicing for weight loss continues to increase in popularity and simultaneous mystery to a variety of weight loss patrons.

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HCG is The Weight Loss Secret Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About

Experience Success (Finally!) with HCG Weight Loss

HCG weight loss has served as a very popular diet for a number of years. However, some specialists feel that the diet is too “extreme” for most patients seeking to lose weight with some patients demonstrating the ability to lose up to 1 to 2 pounds per day.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone that appears high during early pregnancy. However, HCG products are now sold today in a wide variety of forms. These include oral drops, sprays, and pellets.

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These 5 Things Are Making You Gain Weight

Wondering About the Cause of Weight Gain?

Oh man, those jeans fit you a month or two ago, and you didn’t do anything different. So what is the deal? One of the most frustrating things in weight loss is plateauing. You take the time to eat healthily and remain loyal to your exercise regimen. However, this is all to no avail, and you can’t seem to keep the weight off.

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How Much Weight Can You REALLY Lose in One Week?

What is Rapid Weight Loss?

Many products on the weight loss market today make a wide variety of seemingly outlandish claims. They say “Lose 10 pounds in 10 days!” or “Eat whatever you want and STILL Lose Weight!” However, do any of these products really produce rapid weight loss? If they do work, are they safe? What risks does such fast weight loss pose?

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Diet Plan in Miami

Constantly Busy at Work? Here Is How to Burn Calories at Work!

Diet Plan in Miami

Keeping a Healthy Diet at Work

Do you work at an office sitting down? Or do you work at a retail job where you are required to stand up and walk around? Whether you work at an office or a standup workstation, it’s important to integrate the burning of calories! You might be thinking to yourself, “How am I can burn calories if my job requires sitting?”. If you work at an office and requires a lot of sitting, it’s necessary to keep in mind that maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is most important. Read more