
No Secrets Here: The Truth About Juicing for Weight Loss

The Kitsune Team Loves Juicing for Weight Loss

It’s no great secret that kale is good for us. Similarly, utilizing juicing as a quick and easy way to ingest healthy fruits and vegetables isn’t anything new and original either. Nevertheless, juicing for weight loss continues to increase in popularity and simultaneous mystery to a variety of weight loss patrons.

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Mythbusters: Does Sugar Make You Gain Weight?

Although 2019 is only just beginning, your New Year’s resolution of eating healthier might have already gone down the drain. Those sweet, flakey guava pastelitos that every bakery in Miami has to offer are just too hard to pass up! Everyone knows that sugary desserts should be eaten in moderation, but is it really that bad if you put some extra sugar in your morning cafecito? Does all that sugar make you gain weight? The truth is, Sugar Turns Into Fat.

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These 5 Things Are Making You Gain Weight

Wondering About the Cause of Weight Gain?

Oh man, those jeans fit you a month or two ago, and you didn’t do anything different. So what is the deal? One of the most frustrating things in weight loss is plateauing. You take the time to eat healthily and remain loyal to your exercise regimen. However, this is all to no avail, and you can’t seem to keep the weight off.

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Expert Weight Loss Program

Tired of Weight Loss Programs That Don’t Work? Kitsune: Tailored Program Just for You!

Expert Weight Loss Program

Losing Weight Is Possible

Losing weight is easy… said no one ever. It takes a lot of effort and motivation for one to actually reach their weight loss goals. It’s not easy, but it’s possible! You just need that extra push to get your healthy habits going. Once you begin pedaling you will be right on track to reaching your weight loss goals, you just have to learn to maintain the balance. Read more

Long term Weight Loss Diet

How to Avoid Gaining Weight During Your Thanksgiving Feast!

Long-term Weight Loss Diet

A Safe Weight Loss

Is the fastest way to lose weight the best way? How would you love to slim down by Thanksgiving? Sometimes gaining weight the fast way may not be as convenient. It’s always a good idea to write down your weight loss goals in order to achieve a safe Long Term Weight Loss Diet in a decent amount of time. It’s always difficult to lose weight during holiday feast because of all the delicious food temptations. Read more

Weight Loss for Kids (1)

Is Your Child on the Road to Obesity? Here Are the Major Signs to Visit Kitsune!

Weight Loss for Kids

What Is the Leading Cause of Child Obesity?

Did you know that child obesity in America has increased from 7% in 1980 to 18% in 2012? It’s good to keep in mind what you are feeding your child nowadays. Encourage your children to join an activity at school, or at least integrate physical activity into their lives. Poor diet and lack of exercise are the leading causes of obesity, which is why it’s important to maintain a healthy diet while staying active. Read more

Diet Plan in Miami

Constantly Busy at Work? Here Is How to Burn Calories at Work!

Diet Plan in Miami

Keeping a Healthy Diet at Work

Do you work at an office sitting down? Or do you work at a retail job where you are required to stand up and walk around? Whether you work at an office or a standup workstation, it’s important to integrate the burning of calories! You might be thinking to yourself, “How am I can burn calories if my job requires sitting?”. If you work at an office and requires a lot of sitting, it’s necessary to keep in mind that maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is most important. Read more